Ian Garrett

Ian Garrett is a designer, producer, educator, and researcher in the field of sustainability in arts and culture. He is Associate Professor of Ecological Design for Performance at York University, where he is Graduate Program Director for Theatre, Dance and Performance Studies. He is also the director of the Centre for Sustainable Practice in the Arts, a non-profit leading a sustainable shift in the Canadian Arts and Culture sector,  and producer for Toasterlab, a mixed reality performance collective. He maintains a design practice focused on ecology, accessible technologies and scenography. Recent work includes I am a Child of… with Keaja d’Dance at the Harbourfront Centre, the exhibition design for World Stage Design 2022 in collaboration with Patrick Rizzotti in Calgary, and the most recent versions of the locative immersive media projects Parkway Forest Time Machine and STEPS’ From Weeds We Grow both in Toronto Parks. Other projects include multiple works with DLT Experience, including Spectators Odyssey at TO Live, The Right Way at the Venice Biennale and The Stranger 2.0 at the Columbus Centre Toronto. His documentary Groundworks was broadcast nationally on PBS in the US through October and November 2022, looking at four of the contributing artists (Ras K’Dee, Kayon Sayers-Roods, L Frank, and Bernadette Smith) to the locative and site-specific performance of the same name presented on Alcatraz on San Francisco’s first Indigenous People’s day with Dancing Earth Creations.