The Department of Computational Arts maintains two labs, The Art and Technology Learning Lab (ATLL) and the Transmedia Lab, that are used as teaching/studio spaces for the Digital Media Program
The Art & Technology Learning Lab (ATLL) is located in Accolade West 102. It is a 30 seat, Mac computer lab which services a variety of courses in Computational Arts. Located in Accolade West 103, The Transmedia Lab is a multipurpose class room, performance space, workshop and art studio which services a variety of courses in Computational Arts.
Computational Arts Technician
Kieran Maraj is the Computational Arts Technician in the ATLL. Kieran is available to assist students with technical concerns in the lab. Their office hours are 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM, Monday to Friday. He can be contacted at
If Kieran is not available, the Lab Monitor on duty is available to answer students’ questions.
Lab Monitors
A group of students are hired to work as lab monitors in the CA Lab every year. Their responsibilities include providing technical support and assistance to students working in the lab. The lab monitors typically work during the open lab hours and keep the lab open late into the night.
If you have any ATLL-related questions, from connecting to the CA server to coding in Max, feel free to ask the lab monitors.
Lab Hours
The Art and Technology Learning Lab (ATLL) and the Transmedia Lab are used as both a classroom and a studio. During scheduled class time, the room in unavailable for student use. However, during open hours, students enrolled in a Computational Arts course may use the room to work on their projects.
Schedules are posted online here: In order to gain access to the Transmedia Lab during open hours, students must speak with the Lab Technician or Lab Monitor.