At TIFF Bell Lightbox
June 11-14, 2011
Organized by York University and 3D FLIC

Ali Kazimi, Wim Wenders, James Weyman, Gian Piero Ringel

Minister Chan, Janine Marchessault

The House TIFF Cinema 2

Denis Berardi, Juana Awad

Rob Burton, Peter Anderson

Catherine Owens, Gian Pero Ringel, Jonathan Barker, Diane Woods, James Stewart

Martin Banks, Rob Allison, Laurie Wilcox

Thomas Elsaesser
The Toronto International Stereoscopic 3D Conference was a one of a kind international gathering of experts in the stereoscopic 3D art and entertainment arena. From June 11 to 14, 2011 major figures from Canada, Germany, Russia, UK and USA met to address and analyze the “new era in 3D cinema”. Brought together by the 3D Film Innovation Consortium (3D FLIC), and leading researchers and practitioners from York University, the conference offered the highest quality discussions on the creative and scientific challenges and possibilities of Stereoscopic 3D. Held at the 350- seat 3D capable cinema of the TIFF Bell –Lightbox, the conference featured speakers and content which showcased the local, provincial and national expertise at an international level.
“All anyone can say is FANTASTIC!” Peter Finestone (Toronto Film Commissioner)
“The word is out already that it was one of the best 3D conferences to date! I loved the mix of topics on the same subject and the bonus for me was being able to sit in on the other lectures given by so many talented and clever people working in 3D.” Catherine Owens (U23D Co-director)
“As each day went by one could feel the energy increase exponentially as all participants realized this was something very special indeed. When veterans, indeed icons of 3D, like Graeme Ferguson started telling me they were learning things every day at the conference I could only humbly agree. The creative and intellectual content, interaction, stimulation and honesty made us all aware we were involved on the cutting edge. This conference turned into a think tank.” Philippe Mora (director)
“It was great meeting lots of folks and seeing some excellent S3D cinema. I particularly found the films inspiring and am myself charged up for continuing to do research in this area!” Marty Banks (UC Berkeley, scientist)
“My staff and I had a great time all four days. It was a once-in-a-lifetime chance to meet masters like Peter Anderson and Alexandre Melkumov. “ Tim Dashwood (Stereo3D Unlimited)
“Thank you very much for the great conference. I found it very useful and interesting. The broad range of topics was a big plus for people like me, who is used to participate in very technically-oriented conferences.” Carlos Vazquez (CRC, scientist)
“I was so impressed with the conference I learned a lot in just the short time I was there. The networking was great, too.” Paul Salvini (CTO Christie Digital)
“I’ve been hearing a lot of good feedback regarding the conference. Here’s a typical response from someone I met: “The depth of the conference was great. I was embarrassed at how little I knew about what was happening here with 3D.” The important words are “happening HERE”. The conference has definitely opened some eyes.” Rob Burton (VP Image Technology Arc Productions)
“Thank you… I felt very fortunate be have been invited.” Michael Verity (stereographer)
“Thanks so much for all of your work on the 3D FLIC Conference – a supremely perfect job. What should have been a coordination nightmare ran smooth as silk, at least from a participant’s perspective.” Charles Accland (Concordia University, studies researcher)
“Well done for assembling an interesting, quality mix of presenters for the Conference!” Jonathan Barker (SK Films, producer)
“The conference was (as everyone says) a huge success!” Laurie Wilcox (York, scientist)
“I attended the conference with my director, and we both want to thank you very much for this so well organized event. We are very impressed, and we find this immersion very inspiring in our work.” Claude Paiement (Montreal independent producer)
“A ground-breaking event.” Tony Nieder (CDMN)
“I was really impressed with the quality of the conference and the calibre of the speakers. The event was so informative and it was great to be there with all of these like-minded enthusiasts sharing knowledge!” Emily Pelstring (SANDEE, Janro Imaging)
“I really enjoyed so many perspectives.” Byron A. Martin (Directors’ Guild of Canada)
“Congratulations on such a smooth run well programmed conference. It surpassed my, high, expectations.” Willy Lemaitre (Independent artist)
“What you pulled off set the Stage for all other Conferences to strive to.” Bill White (3DCC)
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Click here for a complete programme
Click here for a complete list of speakers or speaker bios
SESSIONS Total: 21
Masterclasses: 4
Keynotes and Mini Keynotes: 2
Featured Screenings: 3
Panels: 12
National: 51
International: 18
Industry: 35
Moderators: 6
Studies: 26
Government: 2
PARTNERS Total: 17
Public: 2
Private/combined: 11
Networks/associations: 4
ATTENDEES Total single tickets 5786
To that end, Believe Big is the primary backer of a clinical trial of mistletoe extract, an alternative therapy Page underwent, slated to begin at Johns Hopkins Medicine’s Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center within the next six months.
Page attributes her current health condition to conventional surgery and complementary mistletoe extract, a therapy widely used in Europe as an alternative cancer treatment.
Through dinners, fees from walking/running events and donations, Believe Big has raised $100,000 of the $300,000 needed for the first phase of the three phase trial, even though nonprofits don’t usually initiate clinical trials. The treatment, using mistletoe extract, is barely known in the United States.
However, her doctor, Peter Hinderberger, of the Ruscombe Mansion Community Health Center near Sinai Hospital, though, is well versed in the treatment.
Through her own research and through the recommendations of friends, Page became acquainted with Hinderberger’s work in complementary medicine. allowed to prescribe mistletoe for certain cases. Hinderberger, now cheap nfl jerseys china a board member of Believe Big, first learned about the treatment in the 1970s when he worked at a cancer clinic wholesale cheap jerseys in Switzerland that specialized in alternative treatment.
Hinderberger describes mistletoe extract as the “backbone” of his cancer protocol, the specifics depending on the patient’s kind of cancer, current stage and treatment surgery, chemotherapy or radiation.
While mistletoe is not approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It falls under the category of homeopathy and is paid for out of pocket, at a cost of $100 to $150 per month, depending on the extract intensity and number of injections.
Page, a slim, vibrant woman who runs Believe Big out of her home in Reisterstown, has had an equally improbable journey.
Five years ago, the 37 year old mother of four, was found to have Stage 4 colon cancer that eventually spread to her liver, dropping her survival rate chances after two cheap jerseys years to just 8 percent.
That’s why after her surgery, Page searched for an alternative to standard chemotherapy treatment.
“As I was going through this process, I saw people who were in such a hopeless state. I wanted to help them, to let them know about treatments other than the traditional ones,” said Page, who added that she is now cancer free.
At first blush, Page was taken aback by the thought of being cured by mistletoe extract, which is sold under the brand names Iscador, Helixor and a handful of others, in liquid form in injectable vials.
“I’m like, ‘mistletoe, what’s that? That’s what I see at Christmastime,’ she said. ‘Why haven’t I been told about this before?'”
According to the institute, several trials of mistletoe have been undertaken and are under way in Europe for those countries’ official approval.
Still, after Hinderberger explained that mistletoe contains viscotoxin, a poisonous substance that actively and directly kills cancer cells and boosts patients’ cancer fighting immune system via special proteins called lectins, Page became very interested. Once he added that the substance also prevents new blood vessel formation in cancers and promotes natural cell death, she was all in.
“When I found out from my oncologist that I only had a 10 percent better chance of survival by taking chemo(therapy), I decided to burn the boats and not look back,” she said. “Why would I want to destroy everything in my body for just a 10 percent chance?”
From clinical studies and his personal experience, “mistletoe prolongs survival time and improves the quality of life,” Hinderberger said.
Page is the link between Hinderberger and Dr. Luis Diaz, an associate professor of oncology at Hopkins’ Kimmel Cancer Center, who is conducting the mistletoe trial. Diaz is also wholesale jerseys a board member of Believe Big.
“Dr. Diaz followed my progress” on mistletoe therapy, Page said. “Once I hit the one year mark, I told him, ‘We need to make this available.’ At the three year mark, he was willing to do the trial. He told me that being cancer free three years after surgery is unbelievable.”Articles Connexes:
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clip matching the caliber of casings found at the scene of Lloyd’s killing. Hernandez’s lawyer argued his client is not a risk to flee and the case against him is circumstantial. On June 16, the night before the slaying, a prosecutor said, Hernandez texted two unidentified friends and asked them to hurry to Massachusetts from Connecticut. A few minutes later, he texted Lloyd to tell him he wanted to get together, the prosecutor said. New Britain State’s Attorney said Thursday that his office and Bristol police have been assisting investigators in Massachusetts and that , 27, of Bristol, had been charged as a fugitive from justice. He waived extradition to Massachusetts and was being held on $1.5 million bail in Hartford. Ortiz’s public defender, Alfonzo Sirica, declined to comment about the case. Massachusetts state police said Thursday night they were seeking another man, , in connection with Lloyd’s killing. They issued an alert and wanted poster for Wallace, saying he was considered armed and
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Each uniform change Elite Youth Eugene Monroe jersey has its own specific purpose and Kids Crockett Gillmore jersey is designed Jeromy Miles jersey to Elite Womens Chris Canty jersey call attention to different aspects of the game.
The lime green dot is placed on the back of Womens Eugene Monroe jersey a player’s helmet, and Authenitc Elite Kids Brandon Williams jersey Youth Eugene Elite Blue Chris Canty jersey Monroe jersey is used to Mens Dennis Pitta jersey signify the one designated player for each team that has a radio headset Mens Eugene Monroe jersey inside of his helmet. The dot was deemed necessary Elite Blue Chris Canty jersey Authenitc Blue Dennis Pitta jersey because of the potential for a problem situation to arise where teams could conceivably place headsets inside more players’ helmets, thus giving them a competitive advantage as far as communicating with their teammates. Having multiple headets would be most advantageous in a situation Elite Kids Eugene Monroe jersey on the road when the opposing crowd is cheering loudly and disrupting the play calls. A team with multiple headsets would have little problem communicating, taking away some of the other team’s home field advantage. Quarterbacks are the main wearers of the green dot stickers.
The second uniform change Elite Kids Brandon Williams jersey is the addition of the “C” patch on Authenitc Chris Canty jersey a player’s right shoulder. The Elite Black Crockett Gillmore jersey “C” stands for “captain,” and each captain is elected for a one year term to be a captain. Not all captains have the “C” on their jersey, however, making it a little confusing. That’s because a maximum of six players per team can wear the patch on their jerseys, and some teams like the Patriots for example have more than six (New England has seven and Tom Brady is actually the one who doesn’t wear the patch). The four stars underneath each “C” logo represent are each filled in for every year a player fulfills his duties as captain, but they are not retroactive, so no one in the league actually has more than one star under his “C” at this point in time. Some teams don’t wear them as often as others, however.
Both uniform changes make things look a little different, but should continue to be a part of NFL uniforms for years to come. Unlike some past uniform changes, these ones actually have some staying power because of the different aspects of the game they symbolize.The standard NFL uniform regalia doesn’t change all that often, excluding the odd commemorative patch here and Authenitc Blue Eugene Monroe jersey Authenitc Kids Chris Canty jersey there. But this season Authenitc Womens Dennis Pitta Authenitc Dennis Pitta jersey jersey in the NFL, two major Elite Dennis Pitta jersey changes have been made to the Authenitc Womens Crockett Gillmore jersey uniform styles fans have come to know and love.
Each uniform change has its own specific purpose and is designed to call attention to different aspects of Kids Eugene Monroe jersey the game.
The lime green dot is placed on the back of a player’s helmet, and is Authenitc Brandon Williams jersey used to signify the one designated player Authenitc Youth Chris Canty jersey for each Authenitc Womens Chris Canty jersey team that has a radio headset inside of his helmet. The dot was deemed necessary because of the potential Womens Eugene Monroe jersey for a problem situation to arise where teams could conceivably place headsets inside more players’ helmets, thus giving them a competitive advantage as far as communicating with their teammates. Having multiple headets would be Authenitc Womens Crockett Gillmore jersey most advantageous in a situation on the road when the Womens Chris Canty jersey opposing crowd is cheering loudly and disrupting the play calls. A team with multiple headsets would have little problem communicating, Authenitc Jeromy Miles jersey taking away Kids Authenitc Mens Eugene Monroe jersey Jeromy Miles jersey some of the Kids Chris Canty jersey other team’s home field advantage. Quarterbacks are the main wearers of the green dot stickers.
The second uniform change is the addition of the “C” patch on a player’s right shoulder. Elite Youth Brandon Williams jersey The “C” stands for “captain,” and each captain is elected for a one year term to be a captain. Not all captains have the “C” on their jersey, however, making it a little confusing. That’s because a maximum of six players per team can wear the patch on their jerseys, and some teams like the Patriots for example have more Mens Crockett Gillmore jersey than six (New England has seven and Tom Brady is actually the one who doesn’t wear the patch). Authenitc Womens Brandon Williams jersey The four stars underneath each “C” logo represent are each filled in for every year a player fulfills his duties as captain, but they are not retroactive, so no one in the league actually has more than one star under his “C” at this point in time. Some teams don’t wear them as often as others, however.
Both uniform changes make things look a little different, but should continue to be a part of NFL uniforms for years to come. Unlike some past uniform changes, these ones actually have some staying power because of the different aspects of the game they symbolize.
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In the Week 14 NFL predictions, the ESPN experts altered their picks on two games. The consensus had been that the New York Jets would beat the Oakland Raiders and that the Philadelphia Eagles would beat the Detroit Lions. In the updated selections, they now feel that the Raiders and Lions are going to emerge victorious.
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Ryan Gamble is a sports expert calling the city of Spokane home now. His publishing credits include articles about the Seattle Mariners, Spokane Shock, Spokane Indians, Gonzaga Bulldogs, Seattle Seahawks and all Washington State University sports teams. When he isn’t sharing his expertise about local sports, he is either playing softball, enjoying a game in person or spending time with his family.
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